Our Story


Our Story

Ryan and Julianna met in St. Petersburg in the fall of 2014.  He invited her to the local pub for Sunday football with friends for their first date.  Instantly the two clicked and spent the rest of the day getting to know each other... a 9 hour first date! The two kept it casual and fun, Julianna was focused on her 2nd year of residency and Ryan on completing his PhD.  In time, the more the two strengthened their friendship the more they fell deeper in love.  Ryan says he knew from the first date that Julianna was The One, it was love at first sight. 
By January 2015, time was flying by and life changing decisions were taking focus.  Julianna's time in St. Petersburg was coming to an end with Residency completing.  By summertime, Julianna's job opportunity and Ryan's passion for water (and The One) took them to Portland.  A place his dad's father would visit when he was stationed in Tacoma, WA, referring to Oregon as "the most beautiful place in the country."  Instantly, the two were captivated by the city, the food, the beauty, fresh air, and laid back vibe. 
Their experiences in Portland strengthened their connection and opened the door to continue along the journey of pursuing their professional passions. Ryan was accepted into a prestigious national fellowship as an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation in Washington, DC.  Julianna moved back to South Florida to pursue her dream job in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.  The distance made their hearts grow even fonder. 
Ryan proposed in the magical Rockies...Aspen, Colorado.  Julianna thought she was going skiing for Ryan's 35th birthday (his favorite new hobby was to ski).  Ryan had a whole plan of snowshoeing, lunch at a cabin, and a proposal in between.  Julianna was swept off her feet.  The celebration continued during their week of spring skiing, bougie restaurants, and bars.  Now, as Ryan's fellowship comes to an end, planning what's next is on the radar.  Julianna and Ryan are excited to see where the pieces fall. 
For now, they are ecstatic about planning a wedding in the country where they share heritage.  Julianna's paternal family is from Northern Italy, the city of Arcola.  Ryan's paternal family is from Sicily.  The plan of meeting in the middle (i.e., Tuscany) for their civil ceremony... a perfect compromise!